Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Christian s Acts Of Faith - 2105 Words

We’ve all been there before, searching for something to watch on TV, 500 channels and nothing catches our attention until we hear the yelling of the televangelist, â€Å"YOU JUST GOTTA HAVE FAITH! QUIT TRYING TO UNDERSTAND IT ALL! LET GO AND LET GOD!† For some that may be the solution they are searching for. They might be frustrated or let down by their own efforts of understanding. But does faith begin with â€Å"letting go (of reason and understanding) and letting God (reveal Himself to us)†? Is there any compatibility between exercising Christian faith and exercising reason? Does reason have a role or should it have a role in the Christian’s acts of faith? This has been a topic of discussion throughout history by many great thinkers. I am going to attempt to show that reason has an active role in exercising the Christian faith; at least attempt to show that reason and faith aren’t mutually exclusive. I will briefly discuss (1) different views of the philosophical divide taken by philosophizers over the ages (2) and biblical evidence of the use of reason (3) definition of biblical faith. The apparent conflict between faith and reason has brought much trouble to believers and non-believers alike through the centuries. Influences like Immanuel Kant in his Critique of Pure Reason penned these words: â€Å"I have therefore found it necessary to deny knowledge in order to make room for faith† (1965, B:XXX) and Soren Kierkegaard held that the absolute limit to which our reason repeatedly isShow MoreRelatedThe Sacrifice Of Truth And Obedience1415 Words   |  6 Pagesworld where God is hidden, Christians must determine their own course of action and the Christian God often demands obedience that transcends understanding as Isaiah writes his understanding is unsearchable. 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